Translation services for companies
We specialise in written technical translation in the field of electrical and mechanical engineering, medical technology, dentistry, chemistry, law and similar specific topics.
The languages from which we translate are German, English, French and Spanish.
What can we translate?
We translate a variety of documents:
- technical texts (instructions for construction and other machinery, construction – roads, viaducts, bridges, general construction works, electrical engineering, electronics – household appliances, air conditioning, multimedia, radio transmitters, amplifiers, specialised texts in the field of the automotive industry)
- specialised texts in the field of finance
- specialised texts in the field of law
- specialised texts in the field of medicine
- tender documentation for the submission of projects for EU funding
- brochures and a wide range of texts for websites
Types of written translations we offer:
- written translations without certification
- certified written translations
- proofreading and language revision
What do I need to know before ordering a written translation?
The unit of calculation is a standard page containing 1500 characters with spaces. The standard page has 30 standard lines, and 1 standard line is calculated as 50 characters with blank spaces. Translation prices may vary depending on complexity, urgency and scope.
In order to receive an estimate for a specific text, it is best to request an offer, which you will receive after a more detailed description of the service you need.
For more information,please contact us via the contact form or on + 385 (0)91/7680-085.
With its team of professional and highly qualified interpreters with many years of experience, Euroglossa d.o.o. offers you a complete interpretation service.
In addition, we offer the service of chuchotage (interpretation by whispering). When interpreting by whispering, the interpreter is positioned in close proximity to the person in need of interpretation and interprets in a low voice so as not to disturb the other participants.
What can we interpret?
We interpret for you both in Croatia and abroad:
- business meetings
- entering into new deals with foreign partners
- judicial and legal proceedings
- meetings in the presence of a lawyer or with a notary public
- meetings at fairs
- we simultaneously interpret at international conferences, symposia, press conferences, annual general meetings of joint stock companies, etc.
Types of interpretation we offer:
- simultaneous or consecutive translation
- chuchotage or whispered interpreting
What do I need to know before ordering an interpretation service?
The unit of calculation for interpretation is one hour, and the minimum rate is 2 hours. In order for interpreters to prepare in a high-quality manner, which is a prerequisite for successful interpretation, it is necessary to send appropriate materials (topics, meeting participants, speeches, general information about the companies, participants, etc.) 2 days before the interpretation assignment.
In order to receive an estimate of the price of interpretation, it is best to request an offer, which you will receive after a more detailed description of the service you need.
For more information, please contact us via the contact form or on + 385 (0)91/7680-085.