Natural persons

Translation services for natural persons

We specialise in written technical translation in the field of electrical and mechanical engineering, medical technology, dentistry, chemistry, law and similar specific topics.
The languages we translate to/from are German, English, French and Spanish.

What can we translate?

We translate a variety of documents:

  • technical texts (instructions for construction and other machinery, construction – roads, viaducts, bridges, general construction works, electrical engineering, electronics – household appliances, air conditioning, multimedia, radio transmitters, amplifiers, specialised texts in the field of the automotive industry)
  • specialised texts in the field of finance
  • specialised texts in the field of law
  • specialised texts in the field of medicine
  • tender documentation for the submission of projects for EU funding
  • brochures and a wide range of texts for websites

Types of written translations we offer:

  • written translations without certification
  • certified written translations
  • proofreading and language revision

What do I need to know before ordering a written translation?

The unit of calculation is a standard page containing 1500 characters with spaces. The unit of account is a standard page containing 1500 characters with spaces. The standard page has 30 standard lines, and 1 standard line is calculated as 50 characters with blank spaces. Translation prices may vary depending on complexity, urgency, and scope.

In order to receive an estimate for a specific text, it is best to request an offer, which you will receive after a more detailed description of the service you need.

For more information,please contact us via the contact form or on + 385 (0)91/7680-085.

For natural persons we offer certified translations of all types of texts and documents to/from the following languages: German, English, French and Spanish.

Certified translation services for natural persons are performed by authorised court interpreters, and the texts have legal validity.

Translations certified by an authorised court interpreter include

  • • certified translations of identity documents (birth and marriage certificates, death certificates, permanent residence certificates, driver’s licences, criminal records certificates, temporary residence certificates, income certificates, diplomas, transcripts of grades, statements, powers of attorney, certificates of bank account, etc.)
  • certified translations of legal documentation (contracts, lawsuits, decisions, minutes, test reports, regulations… )
  • certified translations of company documentation (extracts from the court register for companies, financial statements, statistical reports, balance sheets, audit reports, invoices, certificates, patents… )
  • certified translations of medical documentation (medical, laboratory findings… )

What do I need to know before ordering a written translation?

The unit of calculation is a standard page containing 1500 characters with spaces. The unit of account is a standard page containing 1500 characters with spaces. The standard page has 30 standard lines, and 1 standard line is calculated as 50 characters with blank spaces. Translation prices may vary depending on complexity, urgency, and scope.

In order to receive an estimate for a specific text, it is best to request an offer, which you will receive after a more detailed description of the service you need.

For more information,please contact us via the contact form or on + 385 (0)91/7680-085.

Translation information

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